Thursday, October 13, 2011

notes: BGP conditional Route Injection

- Provides a method to originate a prefix into a BGP routing table without the corresponding match in the IGP.
- Only prefixes that are equal to or more specific that the original prefix may be injected.
- This is used to improve the accuracy of route aggregation, by conditionally injecting or replacing less specific prefixes with more specific prefixes.

configuration set:

- The route to be monitored
ip prefix-list ROUTE permit
- The advertising source
ip prefix-list ROUTE_SOURCE permit
- The more specific routes to be injected
ip prefix-list ORIGINATE_ROUTES permit
ip prefix-list ORIGINATE_ROUTES permit
- Watches the monitored prefix in the RIB
- Matches the prefix learned from a specific source
route-map LEARNED_PATH permit 10
match ip address prefix-list ROUTE
match ip route-source prefix-list ROUTE_SOURCE
- Specifies the specifics to inject
- Sets optional parameters
route-map ORIGINATE permit 10
match ip address prefix-list ORIGINATE_ROUTES
set community 14616:555 additive
- Applies conditional route injection
router bgp 374
bgp inject-map ORIGINATE exist-map LEARNED_PATH


router bgp {asn}
bgp inject-map {map} exist-map {map} [copy-attribute]

- inject-map : Defines the prefixes which will be created and installed into the local BGP table
- exist-map : Specifies the prefix which the BGP speaker will track
- copy-attr : Config the injected route to inherit the attributes from the tracked route

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